Teen driver caught doing 175 km/h in a 90 km zone in West Vancouver

Sep 29 2017, 10:18 pm

A teenage driver in West Vancouver is facing $700 in fines and is without his wheels for a week, after he was caught doing 175 km/h in a 90 km zone.

Early Friday morning, West Vancouver Police tweeted about the incident, which took place on the Upper Levels Highway.

The teen had a Novice (“N”) license, and police said as part of the incident he is responsible for the cost of towing the vehicle as well and the cost of the seven-day impound.

They also added one more item to his expense sheet: “The long taxi ride home.”

This incident is the latest in what has been a seemingly speedy summer for careless drivers on the North Shore.

Earlier this summer, a Ferrari was impounded and the driver charged after he was caught for excessive speeding on the Lions Gate Bridge.

Then, the driver of a Smart Car was caught for excessive speeding on the bridge as well, a few days later.

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