Big White COVID-19 cluster has now grown to almost 100 cases

Dec 23 2020, 12:55 am

After a cluster of COVID-19 cases was recently identified at Big White Ski Resort near Kelowna, health officials said the total number of cases identified to date is 96.

According to Interior Health, the new cases are related to COVID-19 transmission that occurred within group housing, social events, and gatherings.

Of the 96 known COVID-19 cases linked to this cluster, 69 reside on Big White Mountain. Of these, 64 people have recovered and no one linked to this cluster is hospitalized.

“These new cases were expected, many of these new cases were in isolation already as they had shared their household with confirmed cases,” said Dr. Silvina Mema, medical health officer.

“What we hope to see in the days ahead is a reduction in the new cases which will show our case follow-up and the additional safety measures are working.”

In the meantime, health officials are reminding everyone “in the Big White community” to avoid social gatherings and that socialization must be limited to immediate household bubbles.

“We know that skiing and enjoying winter activities outdoors are important and we want this to be a great ski season,” said Mema.

“It is safe to enjoy the outdoors, and we ask that everyone follows all public health orders by staying to your local hill, skiing with your household bubble, and following all safety protocols ski hills have in place.”

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