Concord Pacific donates one million face masks to cities and vulnerable people

Jun 4 2020, 12:55 am

Metro Vancouver’s largest developer has amassed a supply of one million face masks for distribution across the country, but mostly within British Columbia.

Concord Pacific announced today it will donate 500,000 masks to communities in the Lower Mainland, including 200,000 to the City of Vancouver and the remainder to the municipal governments of Burnaby and Richmond, as well as First Nations, and non-profit community groups such as Dragon Boat and SUCCESS.

Another 100,000 will go to the BC provincial government, while the rest will be distributed to Calgary, Seattle, Toronto, and North York General Hospital.

concord pacific face mask donation

Concord Pacific’s face mask donation to the City of Vancouver. (Concord Pacific)

Peter Webb, senior vice president of development for Concord Pacific, says it was a three-month-long personal project for CEO Terry Hui to globally source and assemble the supply, which has now arrived in Vancouver.

The masks are intended to help cities safely restart community programming services and reach vulnerable people, including residents of senior homes and social housing.

concord pacific face mask donation

Concord Pacific’s face mask donation to the City of Vancouver. (Concord Pacific)

“It really is up to the municipalities to distribute the masks and where they end up. I think they’ll use them to distribute in daycares, community centres, or maybe first responders,” said Webb.

“We need to get back out and starting using our communities again, but we need to do it very safely.”

Thomas McSorley with the City of Vancouver added: “We’re looking ahead at reopening facilities, and as they do we’re looking at what kind of PPE those facilities will need. So mask donations like this from Concord are great, they help us out so much as we move forward battling this pandemic.”

Health authorities have recommended members of the public wear a face mask or covering in public areas in addition to practicing proper physical distancing.

Kenneth ChanKenneth Chan

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