Local restaurant launches new food coalition to feed Vancouver's most vulnerable

Apr 30 2020, 5:32 pm

One of Vancouver’s favourite local eateries, Chambar, has launched a new charitable partnership to provide meals to the city’s most vulnerable.

A donor has vowed to match every tax-deductible donation made by May 2 up to a whopping $100,000 via the Food Coalition.

The local partnership was created to meet the need for over 1,200 daily meals for seniors and other individuals living inĀ Single Room Occupancy buildings with no access to kitchen facilities.

The community-driven initiative aims to feed the city’s most vulnerable citizens while keeping our local food supply chain alive and therefore keeping restaurants and the local businesses that rely on them alive during the pandemic.

One hundred thousand dollars could go towards feeding over 350 seniors twice a day for two weeks, so it will make a big difference in their lives.

You can donate online now until Saturday.