Canucks coach Bruce Boudreau surprises Canadian Little Leaguers at World Series

Aug 23 2022, 8:08 pm

Canada’s Little League World Series team got a nice surprise in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, on Monday.

Vancouver Canucks head coach Bruce Boudreau hopped in his car and made the two-hour drive from his offseason home in Hershey, Pennsylvania, to watch Canada play Mexico. Boudreau met the Little Leaguers before their game, posing for a photo with the team.

It had to be a thrill for the kids, aged 10 to 12, who are from Little Mountain Baseball in Vancouver.

“What a treat for the hockey players on the team,” Little Mountain Baseball tweeted.

“We decided on a whim to go to Williamsport and cheer on Canada against Mexico in the Little League World Series,” Boudreau said on Sportsnet 960 radio in Calgary today. “We didn’t really bring them much luck, but it was fun to see all the kids.”

Canada lost 10-0, which was their first blemish in an an otherwise outstanding tournament, which includes a 7-0 win over Australia and a 6-0 victory over Japan.

Over the weekend, the Little Mountain Little Leaguers got a chance to meet with some Major League Baseball players, as the Boston Red Sox and Baltimore Orioles played a game in Williamsport on Sunday.



Canada, which has never won the Little League World Series, now faces a do-or-die game against the Caribbean island nation of Curaçao.

“The experience is great. Each country have their own cheering section with the parents and everything. It’s a cool thing, and the baseball’s pretty good,” Boudreau added.

“It was a great game, great talent, really impressive.”


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