BC is officially done with MSP premiums

Jan 3 2020, 12:23 am

It’s 2020, and that means Medical Services Plan (MSP) premiums are a thing of the past for British Columbians.

People in the province no longer have to pay a monthly fee to enroll in the plan that covers public health care services. Instead, BC is switching to an Employer Health Tax tied to payroll to finance the province’s public health care.

The NDP government says the move will save individuals up to $900 per year. Previously, adults making more than $42,000 in 2017 needed to pay a $75 per month MSP premium. The NDP government cut the fees in half in 2018 as part of a plan to phase them out entirely by 2020.

On Thursday, the BC’s Ministry of Finance reminded residents to cancel any automatic through their bank or credit card to pay MSP fees. The Ministry of Finance also warned that money owed on previous premium fees must still be paid.

BC was the last province in Canada to still collect fees for access to health care. The premiums had been criticized for being regressive and unfair since people making $500,000 a year pay the same monthly premiums as people making a $50,000 salary.