BC Lions unveil new badass jerseys and fans already love them (PHOTOS)

Apr 13 2023, 5:42 pm

The BC Lions will be rocking new jerseys in 2023.

The team revealed new home and away uniforms this morning, as Lions owner Amar Doman continues to put his stamp on the team.

The Lions are changing the primary colour of both jerseys, switching from orange to black at home, and white to grey on the road. The team’s logo will remain unchanged.

The home uniform, which the Lions are calling their “blackout” look, includes “bold orange details” on the jersey, which they’ll pair with black pants with orange striping.

Their “fog grey” away jerseys feature black numbering with orange trim, which they’ll wear with grey pants with black and orange striping.

“Look good, feel good, play great. I love them,” said Lions starting quarterback Vernon Adams Jr.

He isn’t alone. The jerseys appear to have been well received by a majority of Lions fans on social media.

“Whenever you wear all black, there is just something about it. It’s intimidating,” Adams added. “I know that the first home game is going to be exciting with the fans yelling and screaming as we go out there and do what we do. I’ve worn grey before at Oregon, and those were one of my favourites.”

Black has served as the primary home uniform colour at various times throughout the BC Lions’ history, though they have worn orange at home for most of the last two decades.


new blackout jersey bc lions

The new “Blackout” home jersey (BC Lions)

new blackout jersey bc lions

BC Lions

new blackout jersey bc lions

BC Lions

new blackout jersey bc lions

The new “fog” away jersey (BC Lions)

new blackout jersey bc lions

BC Lions

Here’s a sample of the fan reaction on Twitter:


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