BC Legislature clerk announces retirement following misconduct investigation

May 17 2019, 4:15 am

After an investigation into the dealings of two top BC government officials, one of those officials involved has now announced their retirement.

See also

The investigation began in late 2018, and the two individuals were Sergeant-at-Arms Gary Lenz and BC Legislature clerk Craig James.

A report on the investigation by former Supreme Court of Canada chief justice Beverley McLachlin was released this week.

According to McLachlin’s  report, James didn’t claim benefits properly, and used legislature property for his own personal reasons.

“On the evidence before me, I conclude Mr. James engaged in misconduct in relation to expense claims for two suits, three purchases of luggage, and private insurance premiums to the Legislative Assembly,” McLachlin wrote.

She also concluded that James engaged in misconduct by directing the creation of three benefits” to his personal advantage outside of established protocols.”

Lenz was investigated as well, but all allegations against him were cleared.

Following the McLachlin report, James announced his retirement in a letter, stating that he has “had enough.”

His full letter is below:

This morning I retired as Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. I have been in public service for more than four decades, and with the Legislative Assembly for more than 32 years. I made many friends, achieved much, and have fond memories – of the people, and the institution.

But I have had enough. I have been publicly ridiculed and vilified. My family has been deeply hurt and continues to suffer humiliation. In an effort to put an end to that, I have decided to retire, and reach a settlement with the Legislative Assembly.

When the Speaker’s allegations were finally disclosed to me, I had much to say about them. I provided detailed written submissions and supporting documents, all of which are in the possession of the Legislative Assembly, many of which are not referred to or addressed in the Special Investigator’s Report, and almost none of which are likely known to the public or the press at this time.

I believe the public has a right to see those submissions and documents, so they can know and understand the whole picture and judge the truth of these matters for themselves.

Eric ZimmerEric Zimmer

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