BC grandma receives jail sentence after sharing pictures of grandchildren with online stranger

Jul 17 2019, 7:06 am

Story contains details some may find disturbing. Discretion is advised.

A BC grandma has been sentenced to prison after she was found guilty of sending pictures of her grandchildren to an online stranger and fantasizing about them being abused by him.

According to court documents, the 48-year-old Prince George woman identified only as “Ms. G” created an account on the internet chat platform “AirG” with the user name trained_dog.

See also

And while she was only on the platform for about a week, before she “ceased communicating” on it, she engaged in “explicit sexual conversations” with someone who went by the username, daddy669.

It was with this person that Ms. G talked about abusing children and “viewed child pornography images” provided by daddy669.

During the trial, the AirG chat contents were adduced into evidence – contents which Judge Cassandra Malfair called “vile and depraved.”

In these communications, “Ms. G told daddy669 she has children and grandchildren, and provided him the ages of her grandchildren,” noting that some were young girls. Daddy669 responded by saying he would “love to train the children, especially the 5 year old.”

Ms. G replied that she would get off by “‘secretly watching’ daddy669 and her granddaughter together.”

In addition, “some of the chats between Ms. G. involved horrific shared mutual fantasies expressed in lewd graphic detail accompanied by photos of child pornography.”

Following a tip from US authorities, Ms. G’s IP address was identified as being linked to child pornography, prompting the investigation.

She was arrested on May 4, 2018, and pleaded guilty to to one count of making child pornography and one count of accessing child pornography

During the investigation, “police found seventy-two (unduplicated) child pornography images on Ms. G’s phone,” according to court documents.

Despite the conversations with daddy669, Ms. G said in a police statement that “she has never thought about touching any of her grandchildren, but was ‘turned on’ by the chats with daddy669.”

However, she also claimed “she did not know that ‘role playing’ about sexual conduct with children was a serious crime.”

Prior to this case, Ms. G had no criminal record. Court records state that she was married for 11 years in what she described as an “emotionally abusive” relationship, followed by a four-year relationship, which produced her teenage son.

She has been in her current common-law relationship for the past 12 years, “which she characterizes as healthy and supportive,” the documents said.

Ms G. has a Grade 12 education and an Educational Assistant Certificate. At the time of her arrest, she was working as an educational assistant in an elementary school. She has also worked with mentally challenged adults as a life skills instructor.

The documents note that Ms. G also “denied ever touching any of her students,” and “knew it was wrong to talk about sexual acts with children.”

A psychological risk assessment of Ms. G found she engaged in chat room fantasizing for arousal: “She started chatting with a male who turned the conversation towards sex with children, which made her feel disgusted but sexually excited at the same time.”

In her decision, Malfair wrote that “Ms. G. regrets her actions and says she is mortified by her behaviour. She feels a lot of shame and has lost her job, dignity and reputation.”

Still, while Malfair said she accepts that Ms. G is remorseful of her actions in this case, “she persisted… to contextualize her offending in terms of her own perceived victimization and mental health needs.”

In her sentencing, the judge wrote that “the harm caused to victims of child pornography who continue to be re-victimized by the distribution of the material as well as the sexual harm caused to other children incited by the consumption of such material, is well recognized by our courts.”

The child pornography Ms. G. made in this case, the judge furthered, “involved her own grandchildren, contemplated abusing real children, and contained sadistic undertones.”

Ms. G was sentenced to 14 months in jail for her actions.

See also
Eric ZimmerEric Zimmer

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