BC government says it will match $1 billion in federal funds to help restart economy

Jul 23 2020, 8:36 pm

The BC government announced it is earmarking up to $1 billion of additional spending targeted to address COVID-19 impacts and restart plans of local governments and public transit services, conditional on matching federal contributions under a 50/50 cost-sharing criteria.

“British Columbians are depending on government to provide help during the pandemic and build a resilient, secure future for our province,” said BC Premier John Horgan. “That’s why I’m pleased this new funding will secure BC’s share of the federal government’s $19-billion Safe Restart program and ensure people have access to the critical services they need in their communities.”

And to make sure “people in BC get the maximum support from the national Safe Restart funding package, we are committing additional funds to support local governments and public transit, both of which are critical to restarting our economy,” said BC Finance Minister Carole James.”We have a shared commitment to come together to build back our economy and keep people healthy and safe.”

Subsequently, she said, “the federal Safe Restart program includes additional funding to support the Province’s efforts in health care, child care and support for vulnerable populations, as well as the pan-Canadian sick leave program.”

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