BC health officials report 30 new coronavirus cases

Jul 23 2020, 7:44 pm

British Columbia health officials announced 30 new test-positive COVID-19 cases on Thursday, bringing the total number of recorded cases in the province to 3,392.

In a press conference, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said that broken down by health region, there are 1,051 cases in Vancouver Coastal Health, 1,750 in Fraser Health, 142 on Vancouver Island, 315 in Interior Health, 77 in Northern Health, and 57 cases from outside Canada.

Of the total COVID-19 cases in BC, there are 304 active cases, with 16 of those individuals in hospital, three of whom are in intensive care.

A total of 2,898 people are now considered recovered, and Henry said there was one additional death, bringing the provincial death toll to 190.

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