BC Conservatives want to bring back plastic straws, axe bag fee

Oct 3 2024, 10:00 pm

The BC Conservative Party has announced another campaign plan, which is to bring back plastic straws.

BC Conservative Party leader John Rustad announced his support for bringing straws back and axing the bag fee, which, according to the party, “burdened British Columbians under the NDP’s heavy-handed regulations.”

In a post on X, the BC Conservative Party also claimed that the plastic straw ban has been a nuisance for businesses and families around the province.

A media release from the BC Conservative Party states that “practical solutions” that balance environmental protection with consumer choice are needed.

Rustad also said that plastic cutlery could come back under his party’s governance.

“It hasn’t achieved any significant environmental goals, but it has certainly made life worse for people. We will bring back plastic straws and cutlery and eliminate the unnecessary bag fees that do little but add costs to everyday shopping,” Rustad said.

“We will restore freedom of choice and focus on real solutions for our environment,” he added.

The BC NDP announced new plastic regulations in July of this year.

“It is estimated that more than 340,000 tonnes of plastic items and packaging were disposed of in British Columbia in 2019. This equates to more than 65 kilograms of plastic waste per person sent to the landfill in one year,” said a statement from the BC Ministry of Environment.

Some are celebrating the announcement from the BC Conservative Party, while some have called it stupid.

The X post was later deleted because Rustad was listed as the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, but you can still read the full plan here.


What about you? Would you celebrate the return of plastic straws and utensils? Let us know in the comments.

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