In-person, post-secondary education "strongly recommended" by BC CDC

Jan 25 2022, 5:49 pm

The BC Centre for Disease Control has updated its guidance for in-person learning at post-secondary institutions, saying they continue to be low-risk settings.

In a release, the BC CDC says, “Given the low-risk nature of in-class learning, a highly immunized population, and significant social benefits of in-person instruction, on-campus instruction is strongly recommended.”

It goes on to say that enabling young people to “return to closer-to-normal learning and social activities is important for pandemic recovery” and says the prevention measures outlined will “help balance the benefits of on-campus learning while minimizing the serious outcomes of COVID-19.”

The guidance outlines some public health measures that should remain in place on campuses to keep them safe:

Further prevention measures on campus include:

  • Strong promotion of vaccination
  • Strong promotion of staying home when sick
  • Effective ventilation systems
  • Regular cleaning and disinfection
  • Promoting and enabling regular hand cleaning
  • Use of non-medical masks

The CDC says there is no longer a need to physically distance in indoor public spaces, although people should be encouraged to “spread out within available space and to consider and respect others’ personal space.”

bc cdc post secondary guidance

Guidance/BC CDC

In recent weeks, there have been a number of petitions asking post-secondary schools to delay the return to in-person learning.

Meantime, students at Simon Fraser University held a walkout on Monday, demanding the same.

Amanda WawrykAmanda Wawryk

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