Al Gore calls Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion a 'step backwards'

May 11 2018, 12:31 pm

Saying that he stands with BC Premier John Horgan and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson on the subject, former US vice-president Al Gore announced he is officially against Kinder Morgan’s $7.4 billion Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion plan.

“The Kinder Morgan pipeline carrying dirty tar sands oil would be a step backward in our efforts to solve the climate crisis,” Gore tweeted on Thursday.

In addition to Horgan and Robertson, Gore said he stands with “all of the Canadians – including the First Nations – who are fighting to stop this destructive pipeline.”

In early April, Kinder Morgan said it would be suspending all non-essential spending on the project, due to what it said was the shadow of uncertainty cast by Horgan’s government on the project’s future.

The company also set a May 31 deadline for a decision on the project, saying the time frame was meant to give them time to consult with stakeholders as well as give the federal and provincial governments time to come to an agreement.

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