178 rental homes and retail proposed for new phase of Vancouver's River District

Aug 26 2020, 2:10 am

A development application has been submitted by Wesgroup Properties for another phase of River District in the East Fraserlands of Vancouver.

The proposal calls for a 75-ft-tall, six-storey, mixed-use building at 3350 Marine Way, which is located at the western edge of the district’s Town Square precinct and acts as a western gateway into the Town Square.

There will be 178 secured market rental homes, with a unit mix of 20 studios, 93 one-bedroom units, 38 two-bedroom units, and 15 three-bedroom units.

As well, an additional 12 homes will be two-storey, three-bedroom, live-work units.

Residents have access to a southwest-facing outdoor amenity with children’s play areas, urban agriculture, seating, and a dog run. Indoor amenity spaces next to this outdoor area include a lounge, communal dining and kitchen, media room, and fitness gym.

There will also be about 10,000 sq. ft. of retail and restaurant space on the ground level, which will help activate the precinct.

3350 Marine Way Vancouver River District

Building height and uses of River District in Vancouver. (Yamamoto Architecture/Wesgroup Properties)

“The Original Design Guidelines [for River District] envisioned a mixed-use of commercial, live-work, strata residential and office on this site,” reads the application.

“Given the low demand for office space in this neighbourhood at this time, and to address the urgent need for rental housing within the City, the site is in the process of being rezoned to allow for purpose-built rental apartments.”

3350 Marine Way Vancouver River District

Artistic rendering of 3350 Marine Way at River District in Vancouver. (Yamamoto Architecture/Wesgroup Properties)

3350 Marine Way Vancouver River District

Artistic rendering of 3350 Marine Way at River District in Vancouver. (Yamamoto Architecture/Wesgroup Properties)

Design firm Yamamoto Architecture indicates the building’s design is inspired by the White Sturgeon that frequents the waters of the Fraser River.

“The sturgeon concept suggests a way in which the irregular geometries of the building can be contained within a single skin. As with the sturgeon, the building is directional, with walls oriented to buffer traffic noise and balconies positioned to provide solar shading,” reads the architect’s design rationale.

“The proposed building looks to the local White Sturgeon to influence its form and colour, and to the industrial heritage of the site to inform its materiality. The proposed cladding is a dark metal corrugated siding that will be robustly detailed to reinforce the scale of the design features. The horizontally oriented cladding will minimize the appearance of through wall flashings, helping to emphasize the overall building skin.”

3350 Marine Way Vancouver River District

Artistic rendering of 3350 Marine Way at River District in Vancouver. (Yamamoto Architecture/Wesgroup Properties)

Two underground levels will contain 256 vehicle parking stalls and 353 bike parking spaces.

The total floor area is 148,129 sq. ft., giving the project a floor space ratio density of 3.07 times the size of the 1.1 acre lot.

Kenneth ChanKenneth Chan

Kenneth is the Urbanized Editor of Daily Hive. He covers everything from local architecture and urban issues to design, economic development, and more. He has worked in various roles in the company since joining in 2012. Got a story idea? Email Kenneth at [email protected]

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