It’s going to feel 36 degrees warmer in Toronto this weekend

Jan 31 2019, 8:21 am

There’s hope at the end of the (freezing) cold tunnel Toronto, because temperatures are expected to feel more than 30 degrees warmer this weekend.

See also

According to The Weather Network, the current evening temperature feels like -33°C with the wind chill.

The Weather Network

By the weekend, things are supposed to heat up and it is expected to feel 36 degrees warmer.

Sunday’s high will reach 3°C, which is basically summertime compared to what we’re experiencing in the city right now.

going to feel

The Weather Network

Hang tight for a few more days Toronto, we’ve almost made it out of the deep freeze.

And if you’re itching to get out of the cold, you may want to head to Vancouver, where it felt almost 40°C warmer than Toronto today.

DH Toronto StaffDH Toronto Staff

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