There are outdoor fitness pods all around the city of Toronto

Oct 9 2020, 6:19 pm

In an effort to keep the city on its feet, more than 60 outdoor fitness pods have been installed all over Toronto during the pandemic.

According to the City of Toronto, using the TrekFit map, residents can locate about 51 of the 60 outdoor fitness pods across the city.

“The equipment components are designed to be adaptable, by exercising different muscle groups, and accessible for many fitness levels and abilities,” said the city.

“The fitness pod is designed as a circuit with three exercise stations that can accommodate twenty-four different exercises for both beginner and advanced fitness levels.”

The set comes with push up bars, three step up benches, pull up bars, hurdles and four information panels with fitness program options.

“The equipment components are easily adaptable and have no moving parts, which increases the equipment’s overall safety and minimizes the need for frequent maintenance,” said the city.

The next pod in development is set for Scarborough’s Birchmount Community Centre site.

fitness toronto

Rendering of a fitness pod (City of Toronto)

The City had plans to install these pods before the COVID-19 pandemic however now that they are built, the newly erected jungle gyms may be put into use more at this time than before.

As Toronto and nearby areas are facing several closures in a modified stage 2, including enclosed gyms for the next 28 days, these pods may serve as an alternative.

The City of Toronto has already announced its suspension of several recreational programs and services, based on advice from the Medical Officer of Health.

The new pod in Scarborough is set to finish construction by early Spring 2021.

Karen DoradeaKaren Doradea

Karen is a Staff Writer at Daily Hive Toronto

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