Adorable wolf pups spotted emerging from their den at Toronto Zoo (VIDEO)

May 30 2018, 7:50 pm

A pack of adorableĀ Arctic wolf pups emerged from their den for the first time Wednesday morning, as their mother Dora maintained a watchful eye at the Toronto Zoo.

According to a tweet from the Toronto Zoo, keepers have observed at least six pups at this time.

The Zoo also asked that all visitors at the wolf exhibit respect Dora and her pup’s privacy and to keep your voices down during this sensitive time.

Last week the Zoo announced that the newborn wolf pups were spotted for the first time, but since pups do not usually fully emerge from the den for approximately 8 to 12 weeks, the Zoo wasn’t able to confirm how many pups were born or how old they were at the time.

Roadtrip to the Toronto Zoo, anyone?

See also
Ainsley SmithAinsley Smith

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