It's expected to feel like 37°C in Toronto today

Oct 1 2019, 1:13 pm

Before getting into proper fall weather, Toronto is having one last day of summer.

According to the Weather Network, the cooler fall temperatures are expected to reach the city this week, but on Tuesday, warm weather will be taking over.

By Tuesday afternoon, the high is expected to reach 29°C. And with the humidex, that will feel more like 37°C in the city.

While it will be hot, there’s also a risk of thunderstorms through the afternoon and evening.

It’s also expected to rain overnight, with a total accumulation of 15 mm of rain forecasted for Tuesday.

The Weather Network/Toronto weather

The weird warm weather will continue through the evening, but will be gone by Wednesday.

Thursday is also expected to rain, but by Friday things are looking mainly sunny.

Temperatures in Toronto are expected to reach 13°C on Friday afternoon, but will feel like 12°C.

The Weather Network

And just like that, it’s fall.

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