It's going to feel like 34°C in Toronto this weekend

May 24 2018, 7:40 pm

Get your sunglasses and sunscreen ready, it’s going to be a scorcher in the city this weekend.

Leading up to the Friday, we’re going to see the temperature sit well above seasonal hitting the upper 20s.

By Friday, the late May sun is bringing hot temperatures, reaching a high of 30°C, which will feel more like 33°C.

On Saturday, we’ll see the temperature drop slightly to a high of 28°C, which will feel more like a toasty 34°C.


The Weather Network

And while The Weather Network is showing a risk of thunderstorms for Saturday, don’t let that stop you from heading outside and having some fun.

So, make some patio plans, hit up the Toronto Islands, and make the most of this incredible spring weather.

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