Toronto was just ranked one of the top global cities of the future

Oct 7 2021, 7:48 pm

Toronto residents already know that the city is bursting with future potential, but it just got internationally recognized as one of the best global cities of the future.

A new ranking from European digital parking service provider EasyPark Group analyzed more than 3,200 cities around the world and based on their digital life, mobility innovation, and business technology infrastructure, determined which cities are using technology to create a more sustainable and liveable future. Out of all the cities with over three million people, Toronto was ranked 12th.

The ranking took into account factors like technology education, traffic management, clean transportation, internet connectivity, green energy, and climate response. Although Toronto did well overall, its two best categories were green buildings, where it came eighth, and healthcare innovation, where it came 10th.

Toronto wasn’t the only Canadian city to make it onto the list, with Montreal ranking 24th for cities with over three million people. Vancouver took home 14th place and Quebec City took home 26th place for cities between 600,000 and three million people.

In the cities with over three million people category, London, England, took home first place, followed by New York City, San Francisco, Singapore, and Berlin. Other cities that beat out Toronto include Rotterdam, Seattle, Seoul, Washington DC, Manchester, and Tokyo.

But Toronto did come out ahead of some other pretty major cities of the future, including Paris, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong.

Laura HanrahanLaura Hanrahan

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