Toronto is getting a new Japanese cheesetart shop this week

Aug 16 2017, 1:35 am

It’s almost time to indulge in cheesy goodness.

Pablo Cheesetart Canada is a Japanese shop opening this week that promises “creamy indulgence wrapped in a crunchy crust and topped with glazed apricot jam to compliments its refreshing taste.”

And they say it gets more delicious with every bite.

Besides its original tart, there will also be chocolate tarts, and matcha-flavoured cheese tarts with azuki red bean paste centres and chewy shiratama mochi. The menu will also include frozen bevies to go with the desserts.

For its opening, Pablo Cheesetart will be giving away 150 tarts at its new location. Not a bad way to try this new treat.


Pablo Cheesetart Canada

Where: 114 Dundas Street West
When: Opens August 18 at 4 pm

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