Toronto broke a 27-year-old temperature record today

Feb 5 2019, 4:32 am

Following last week’s bone-chilling temperatures, it’s hard to believe it would ever feel warm in Toronto again.

But Mother Nature finally decided to give Torontonians a break on Monday, as temperatures climbed to a glorious high of 12°C.

See also

It was so warm on Monday that Toronto had its warmest February 4 in nearly three decades, breaking a temperature record that was previously set 27 years ago.

According to Environment Canada, the current high in Toronto is 12°C, surpassing the previous record for a February 4 set in 1991 when temperatures reached 11°C.

The average high for this time of year is -2.2°C, which is almost 15°C colder than what we’re feeling today.

While today is warm, it’s going to get wet tonight as periods of rain are expected. Environment Canada

However, the mild weather will continue slightly this week, before dipping back to -6°C on Friday.

So make sure to enjoy the milder temperatures while they last, Toronto.

Ainsley SmithAinsley Smith

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