Baggage screening comes into effect at Toronto City Hall this month

Sep 14 2018, 10:50 pm

As part of Toronto City Council’s enhanced security measures, visitors to City Hall will have to undergo baggage screening to access certain areas of the building starting Monday, September 17.

According to a release from the City, baggage screening will be located on the east and west sides of the main floor rotunda and at the Hagerman Street entrance of City Hall.

Baggage screening will not be required to access city services such as the library and the property tax and utility payment counters, and the Service Canada Centre in the rotunda.

“The safety of all those who work, visit or do business at city facilities is the top priority of the City of Toronto,” said Dwaine Nichol, Director of Corporate Security.

“These security measures strive to seek a balance between enhancing our current security measures from foreseeable threats while still maintaining an appropriate level of public access to City Hall.”

The baggage screening, which will be conducted by corporate security staff, will be similar to what is presently conducted at City Council meetings. Visitors will now be asked to place their items on a table and open them for security staff to conduct a visual inspection.

In June, City Council approved a number of enhanced security measures for City Hall and in addition to baggage screening, patron screening using walk-through metal detectors for the Council Chamber and the installation of physical security measures in City Hall’s committee rooms and the Council Chamber were also approved.

The remaining enhanced security measures will be implemented later this year.

See also
Ainsley SmithAinsley Smith

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