City warns of potential basement flooding as temperatures rise

Feb 4 2019, 10:59 pm

As temperatures continue to rise in Toronto, the city is advising residents of potential flooding as snow beings to melt.

The City of Toronto is encouraging residents to clear snow away from their home’s foundation to help prevent basement flooding.

“Every home is at risk of basement flooding, even if it has not happened before. Water in your basement is most likely to occur during a heavy rainfall, or when snow and ice is melting,” reads a statement on the city’s website.

The city says residents can also take the following steps to help reduce and prevent flooding from happening.

Outside of the house

To prevent water from getting into your house, the city recommends sealing all cracks or leaks in walls, floors, windows and foundations, and to seal all window wells.

Residents can also increase the green space around their home with plants and shrubs and install porous pavement to help absorb rainwater and melted snow.

Additionally, the city recommends clearing debris from roadside catchbasins (grates) to help water enter the storm sewer and ensure drainage swales (shallow ditches) between properties are maintained and clear of obstructions.

See also

Inside the house

First things first, the city says homeowners need to understand they are responsible for plumbing from the property line to inside the home.

If you’re unsure of what this entails, the city recommends hiring a licensed plumber who can conduct specialized testing or inspections, if needed, to help you identify the location and condition of key features of your household plumbing system.

You should also ensure your plumbing and draining systems are in good working condition, by fixing all cracks, blockages or other condition problems, and avoid creating clogs.

Additionally, the city offers a Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy to owners of single-family, duplex and triplex residential homes a subsidy of up to $3,400 per property to install flood protection devices.

DH Toronto StaffDH Toronto Staff

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