Toronto students will be limited to one or two indoor extracurriculars this fall

Sep 2 2021, 2:58 pm

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is “gradually and responsibly” reintroducing extracurricular activities this fall.

In an update on its website, the TDSB said students will be limited in the number of indoor clubs and sports they can participate in when school resumes next week.

Elementary school students can participate in a maximum of one indoor extracurricular activity with “appropriate masking and physical distancing” in place.

Secondary students may take part in up to two indoor, in-person activities, the TDSB said.

There is no limit on the number of outdoor or virtual extracurriculars students can participate in.

“This number may increase when it is safe to do so and procedures are well established,” the TDSB said. “There will be a phased approach to Community Use of Schools.”

Students can take part in any number of outdoor extracurriculars—as long as physical distancing is maintained—as well as virtual activities.

At this time, the playing of wind and brass instruments has been paused for face-to-face instruction, both inside and outside.

The TDSB said the instruments will be reintroduced “health and safety guidance” in place.

The school board has introduced its own health and safety measures for the fall, which are stricter than those required under Ontario’s back to school plan.

The policies include keeping elementary school students with their cohorts during recess, and in their classrooms during lunch.

Indoor assemblies are also banned, although outdoor and virtual gatherings are permitted.

Zoe DemarcoZoe Demarco

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