Clear skies in Toronto for Sunday's Super Blood Wolf Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

Jan 19 2019, 1:52 am

You can expect nothing but clear skies while viewing the Super Blood Wolf Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Toronto Sunday evening.

According to Environment Canada, Sunday’s overnight weather will be a cold -21°C, but skies will be clear during the eclipse.

special weather

Environment Canada

On Sunday, January 20, almost exactly one year after the sighting of a Super Blue Moon lunar eclipse, Canadians will be treated to a full wolf moon creating a total lunar eclipse.

According to The Weather Network, since the moon will be “very near perigee – its closest distance to Earth” it will be a Super Blood Wolf Moon Total Lunar Eclipse.

And no, we didn’t make that name up.

The eclipse is expected to last a total of five hours and 12 minutes, with the total eclipse lasting for an hour and two minutes.

The Weather Network/Nasa

In Toronto, the total lunar eclipse will begin at 11:41 pm EST.

The next total lunar eclipse that’s positioned over North America won’t be until May of 2022.

So keep this Sunday in mind — you’ll want to have a clear view of the sky and a camera ready when the day comes.

See also
Ainsley SmithAinsley Smith

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