Seneca College suspends week of classes before moving online-only

Mar 13 2020, 3:09 pm

Seneca College has announced the suspension of one week of classes before transitioning into an online-only format for two weeks due to COVID-19.

Starting Monday, March 16, the college says that all in-person classes will be suspended for one week. During that time, existing online courses will continue.

Online courses will begin for all students starting on Monday, March 23. Then, on Monday, April 6 — the same day elementary and secondary schools open — practical elements of courses that require in-person lab or studio time will resume.

Seneca College

The school says that with this approach, students will be able to finish the semester as scheduled on Friday, April 17.

During these alterations, campuses, including libraries, student spaces, computing commons, food services, the health centre, and other service areas, will remain open. The college itself is not closing, and employees will report to work.

However, flexible work arrangements will be implemented where possible.

Further, all events, social and sporting activities on campus are cancelled, including those off-campus sponsored by Seneca, until the end of April.

At that time, the situation surrounding coronavirus will be re-assessed.

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