Ontario sees another day with more than 400 new coronavirus cases

Sep 26 2020, 3:56 pm

Ontario reported 435 new coronavirus cases Saturday, in line with other high daily case numbers this week.

Saturday’s number is an increase from Friday’s 409 cases. The province has discovered more than 400 cases on seven of the last nine days: Thursday had 409, Wednesday had 335, Tuesday had 478 (the highest number since early May), and Monday had 425.

No Ontarians have died from the virus in the last 24 hours.

Toronto reported the highest number of new cases out of any Ontario city with 131, Peel saw 110 new cases, and Ottawa saw 45.

Health Minister Christine Elliott tweeted that nearly two-thirds of Saturday’s new cases were in people under 40.

To deal with the rising case numbers in the last 10 days, the province has ordered bars and nightclubs to stop serving alcohol at 11 pm and has lowered gathering limits for private parties.

Megan DevlinMegan Devlin

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