These are Ontario's worst (and best) cities for driving

Jul 31 2019, 10:04 pm

Toronto’s roads may constantly be in repair, but they surprisingly ranked well among other Ontario cities.

According to, while many may expect that residents in large urban areas like Toronto would report having more tickets and collisions on their driving records, this may be a myth.

“Based on the details provided by shoppers who obtained Ontario auto insurance quotes, you have to look beyond Toronto’s borders to find the cities whose drivers admit to having the most tickets, collisions, or a combination of the two, on their driving record,” states the insurance resource.

“These are infractions and collisions that could have occurred in the driver’s hometown or anywhere their travels have taken them.”

And to come up with a list of the best and worst cities for driving, measured the three categories, and assigned each city a grade based on its “variance from the Ontario average.”

In Orangeville, for example, the insurance website states that drivers were 1.9 times as likely to have a ticket, accident, or both, on their record than the Ontario average.

And meanwhile in North York, a driver is 22% less likely to have a ticket, crash or both on their record than the average, and Toronto drivers are 21% less likely to have a black mark on their driving record.

Surprised yet?

So who topped the charts for each category?

Orangeville was among the top 10 worst cities for driving, along with Bradford and Orillia.

Meanwhile, Toronto got an “A” and ranks as one of the top 10 best cities for driving in the province.

Toronto gets a top grade among other GTA cities like North York, East York, Etobicoke, Mississauga, and Scarborough.

Yes, we’re a little surprised too.

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