Hockey announcer goes berserk after puck sails over glass and nearly hits him

Jan 17 2024, 4:53 pm

Even when you are paying attention to the game, a hockey puck sent flying over the glass can be a scary situation.

A hockey announcer in Nova Scotia learned just that, as he had the scare of a lifetime in a recent game between the Halifax Macs and the Sydney Mitsubishi Rush in the U18 Eastlink Major Hockey League. During what was then a scoreless game, a puck was deflected up and into the stands, coming close to where the announcer was sitting, and his very fearful reaction quickly blew up on social media.

Thankfully, the announcer, and seemingly everyone else in the crowd, was able to get out of harm’s way, as incidents like this can be extremely dangerous. After getting his wits about him, the man calling the game apologized to those tuning in.

“I apologize if I just damaged your eardrums there,” he said in a frazzled state. “[The puck] just went right over the mesh and right over my head. I apologize for that. I’m sorry. A few people are looking at me, I’m fine, I’m fine. Oh my god. I apologize for that one right there, and for saying ‘Oh my god.’ I shouldn’t be saying that, I’m sorry. I’m just trying to catch my breath here.”

As shaken up as the announcer was at the time, it made for a hilarious clip, which many hockey fans have laughed at since. That said, this serves as a good reminder to anyone attending hockey games to always be paying attention to what is happening on the ice, as pucks can head into the stands at very fast speeds.