Popular downtown restaurant responds to weekend crowd around patio

Jun 9 2020, 2:00 pm

Popular downtown restaurant MARBL has cited support from regulars and still-learning staff as the reasons for a crowd outside the eatery this past weekend.

An image of the busy scene, shared here on Twitter, shows an across-the-street view of the restaurant’s immediate outdoor surroundings. The space is bustling with people.

In a follow-up tweet to the original photo, the poster identifies themselves as a nurse practitioner and asks that people continue to maintain distance from others, and wear masks in public.

According to MARBL, the crowd of people was a result of support for the restaurant’s takeout menu from regular patrons.

“With the beautiful weather Saturday, we utilized our street-level patio area for takeout and delivery and we were fortunate to receive an overwhelming level of support from our regulars. The influx of orders meant that wait times increased and a gathering of people occurred outside of our patio,” a spokesperson from the restaurant told Daily Hive.

“Though efforts were made to reduce the line outside and keep people distanced, our staff is still learning the right protocol and how to operate under these new constraints. We are optimistic that the announcements made over the last week by Mayor Tory and Premier Ford will begin setting the foundation for restaurants to be able to re-open safely and successfully.”

MARBL’s spokesperson also noted how difficult it has been for the restaurant to weather the pandemic.

“To say the past few months have been challenging would be an understatement. We have been challenged as a business and as an industry like never before. Truthfully, the struggles we are facing are hard to put into words,” they said.

“We have pivoted quickly to delivery and take out, but we are still very far from where we need to be.”

Kayla GladyszKayla Gladysz

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