This Canadian tech company is giving out $500K in scholarships to learn code online

Mar 30 2020, 4:16 pm

Lighthouse Labs, a Canadian tech company, has launched a new $500K scholarship fund to benefit people who are facing economic uncertainty amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

The scholarships will give recipients access to a selection of the company’s full-time and part-time coding and data courses.

“Because of COVID-19, many people are now facing unemployment. We feel we can make the greatest impact, both to our community and to the Canadian economy, by providing workers facing economic uncertainty with the skills and resources they need to pursue a career in a technical and remote world,” said Co-Founder and CEO of Lighthouse Labs, Jeremy Shaki.

In an email shared with Daily Hive, Lighthouse labs said that they can help Canadians to advance, launch, and relaunch their careers through coding and data eduction.

According to the tech company, 93% of their graduates are hired within four months and can find “meaningful careers” in an increasingly tech-focused job landscape.

Lighthouse Labs/Facebook

Created in 2013, Lighthouse Labs is lead by a team of software developers with a passion for code, mentorship, and education. The company strives to continuously find the best ways to train the next generation of developers and transform the way that tech education is delivered.

As of today, applicants will have the option to apply for both a $5,000 scholarship for a full-time course or a $750 scholarship for a part-time course.

All Lighthouse Labs courses are now available online through virtual streaming and online mentorship.

For more information about the scholarship fund, visit:

Ty JadahTy Jadah

Tyler is the Montreal City Editor at Daily Hive. He goes by "Ty" for short and "Tyl" for medium.

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