Development proposal for King West shows vibrant new neighbourhood (RENDERINGS)

Oct 27 2017, 1:16 am

A new, vibrant mixed-use development is being proposed for a neighbourhood along King West.

A re-zoning application was resubmitted to the City of Toronto by Westbank Projects Corp. and Allied Properties for 489-539 King Street West show what’s planned to be a residential, office, and restaurant/retail space in a single building of varying heights. The development would frame a large, publicly accessible open courtyard, according to their submission.

Brant Street (Westbank Projects Corp/City of Toronto)

The resubmission is a result of the public response, and feedback from the city, in regards to Allied’s first submission in May 2016. The new application has changed its building form, with the initial design consisting of five “peaks” around the site reaching heights of 50 to 57.5 meters. The revised design contains only four peaks, and their locations have been rearranged to create a better transition onto King Street West.

Courtyard (Westbank Projects Corp/City of Toronto)

As well, since Wellington Park has been designated as a future public park, the developers have revised their proposal to refine landscape plans along the south elevation to create an enhanced mid-block connection to the park.

Wellington Park (Westbank Projects Corp/City of Toronto)

The new proposal also doubles the amount of office space in the development from 3,595 sq meters to 8,195 sq meters, while reducing the planned residential units to 514 compared to the earlier 624 units.

Check out more of the new renderings submitted to the city.

South Lane (Westbank Projects Corp/City of Toronto)

South Arch (Westbank Projects Corp/City of Toronto)

See also
Yasmin AboelsaudYasmin Aboelsaud

Yasmin is Daily Hive’s Managing Editor. Based in Toronto, she has a love for hidden foodie gems, and has recently been obsessed with spin classes. Yasmin started with Vancity Buzz as a freelancer in 2012 before joining the team full-time in 2016.

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