Thursday could be the hottest day of the year in Toronto so far

Jun 24 2019, 9:00 pm

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Last week, it was forecasted that Toronto could feel like 32°C by this Friday.

At the time, it was just expected to feel that hot, with humidex values.

But now it looks like the temperature will actually be climbing to 30°C this Thursday.

The rain that was forecast for the week has also mostly subsided.

See also

According to Environment Canada, following two days of showers on Monday and Tuesday, Toronto will be in for five days of straight sunshine from Wednesday into the long weekend.

In fact, Thursday is expected to reach a high of 30°C, which would be the hottest day of the year so far. And with the humidex, The Weather Network states it will feel more like 34°C.

Environment Canada

Get ready for a summery Canada Day weekend, Toronto.

And maybe plan to take Thursday off while you’re at it…

DH Toronto StaffDH Toronto Staff

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