Police investigating after video surfaces showing kid hurling sign onto QEW

Aug 23 2019, 4:12 pm

A video circulating on social media showing a male throwing a sign onto a highway is being investigated by police.

According to The Halton Regional Police Service, they are aware of the video and their investigation has determined that the tossing took place on the Winston Churchill Boulevard overpass of the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW), in Oakville.

Investigators said the sign was thrown down onto the live, east-bound lanes of the highway, but they have not determined when this incident occurred.

See also:

“The behaviour depicted in this video is extremely dangerous and criminal in nature,” said Halton police.

Police are asking anyone with information in regards to this incident to contact the 2 District Criminal Investigations Bureau general line at 905-835-4777 ext. 2216, D/Cst. Autumn Mills at ext. 2285 or D/Cst. Samantha Coysh at ext. 2245.

Kid tosses a metal sign onto the busiest highway in Toronto, easily could’ve caused a fatal accident. from r/iamatotalpieceofshit

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