How the internet reacted to Ford government's announcement of new 'Ontario Line'
Premier Doug Ford announced a “historic” $28.5 billion transit plan for the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Wednesday morning.
Of that, $10.9 billion will go to a new ‘Ontario Line,’ which will link Ontario Place to the Ontario Science Centre by 2027.
The Twittersphere, of course, blew up when news of the ambitious transit plan first broke.
See also
- Ford announces new transit line connecting Ontario Place to Science Centre
- Newly revealed map shows Toronto's ambitious plans for transit expansion
- Ford government to rename Toronto's Relief Line to 'Ontario Line': report
While the news was greeted with a very positive response from some, with some Twitter users saying they think the line sounds like a good idea. Of course, not everyone felt the same.
The new #OntarioLine will double the length of the original proposed #transit relief line south – taking even more pressure off existing #subway lines. #ONPoli
— Stan Cho (@StanChoMPP) April 10, 2019
People’s partisan blinders need to come off. THIS IS A GOOD PROJECT #OntarioLine
— Alex Glista (@AlexanderGlista) April 10, 2019
I think it’s a great plan for Toronto, but that’s the issue – does very little to help communities outside of the city. Does very little to discourage commuters and tourists from leaving cars at home.
— Katie (@KatieMcCutie) April 10, 2019
I think the Ontario Line portion sounds great, but I do not agree with extending overcrowded lines further without some relief on both sides not just one. Beyond Spadina there is no North/South option in the west.
— Graham Rowlands (@beachrockinc) April 10, 2019
Many Twitter users were quick to share their two cents on why Ford’s Ontario Line is a bad idea, highlighting that there are more cities in the province than just Toronto that the line should be servicing and how the line conveniently ends at the proposed site for Ford’s new casino.
So. The “Ontario Line” is in Toronto. #TOpoli #TTC
— Dee (@tweetlee_dee) April 10, 2019
Really Doug? Ontario line….how much of Ontario does it cover? You can’t even provide for the GTA. What a joke
— Robynn 🇨🇦 (@KaceeKat) April 10, 2019
Fully support 7-fold increase in Eglinton West?
And support what is clearly NOT subway on the Ontario Line?
Just how far up Doug Ford’s ass is your head?
It’s another Doug Ford lie.
— nfitz (@nfitz1) April 10, 2019
Then we get the fun fable about the line from Science Centre to Ontario Place, in 8 years….now there is no way a line that cuts right through downtown Toronto takes 8 years, and it’s a line no one wants for imaginary tourists who are going to use it, amazingly bad.
— Univrsle (@univrsle) April 10, 2019
Everything about the #OntarioLine plan makes me nervous. It is not designed for #Toronto #transit users, is only half a ‘U’, ignoring the final leg, which should be up to Eglinton, and is all about development rather than #TOtransit. Colour me sceptical. #ONpoli #TOpoli
— Marla Waltman 🎯 (@marlawd) April 10, 2019
Stupid Stupid Ontario Line.
Might as well call it let fuck over toronto again line. Doesnt even connect 2 cities.
How can you call it an ontario line when it length is only 13km
— David Jetta (@David__Jetta) April 10, 2019
So you’ll be able to take the Ontario Line to the casin….errr….to Ontario Place!! Thanks @fordnation
— CMH (@HeevisH) April 10, 2019
Ontario Line? Doug, Toronto is not the only City in Ontario.
— Lee Koren, PHR (@Bselected) April 10, 2019
It’s a #GTAline not an Ontario line
— Gary Youmans (@youmi9433) April 10, 2019
Prolly should have expected Ontario Line literally meant a line from Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place… and yet I’m still surprised
— Earl Aspiras (@phillerworks) April 10, 2019
Doug Ford announces new subway line from Ontario Science Centre directly into newly-discovered black hole.
— Dan Barra-Berger (@danbarraberger) April 10, 2019
Ontario Line terminus = casino.
— andrew noonan (@andrewnoonan) April 10, 2019
Line going to Ontario Place cause it will disappear as a public space and be given over to private development, maybe even a casino which Torontonians have rejected time and again . #onpoli @fordnation doesn’t care what the people want.
— Nick Panagopoulos (@I_NPanagopoulos) April 10, 2019
How is this an “Ontario” line?
— Jamie (@LtScrappy) April 10, 2019
Ontario Line? Since when is Toronto the only city in Ontario?
— Lee Koren, PHR (@Bselected) April 10, 2019
Tbh I’m surprised Ford didn’t name the Ontario Line the ‘fordnation line’
— Aiman (@aims_akmal) April 10, 2019
There have been a lot of stupid transit fantasy maps drawn for Toronto over the past 50 years, but this is definitely the stupidest.
A relief line that goes to Ontario Place instead of where people actually live? How is that going to help crowding on the Yonge Line?#onpoli
— Mark Hayes 🇨🇦 (@HayeseLaw) April 10, 2019
The Ontario line conveniently ends at the proposed site for his new Casino
— Waleed (@therealwaleezy) April 10, 2019