Family of 10 chubby raccoons gets kicked out of Toronto home (VIDEO)

Dec 20 2019, 7:35 pm

With the holidays right around the corner, it’s the time of the year where we welcome family, friends, and guests into our homes to enjoy the warmth of the season together.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case for a family of curious raccoons who made themselves right at home inside a Toronto residence.

This week, a group of ten, adorably chubby raccoons were found huddling together for warmth inside a closed-in porch attached to a Toronto home that was undergoing renovations.

But when the masked intruders were discovered by construction workers, they were quickly asked to leave the premise.

After being discovered, Gates Wildlife Control, a local wildlife control company, was contacted, and they were quick to remove the furry bandits from their warm sleeping spot.

In a video of the incident posted online, you can see one of Gates Wildlife Control workers use his catchpole to carefully persuade each raccoon, one by one, outdoors.

The company says eleven bandits in total (one ran out the door before the camera started rolling) made their way into the house through a back door that was left open overnight. Once inside the under-renovation property, the raccoons made their way through a broken window leading into the front porch of the home.

“One by one, the raccoons must have followed each other into the porch area. The window was too high for the raccoons to get back inside and the front door to the porch was closed, leaving this group of raccoons stuck for the night,” said Gates Wildlife Control.

You can see the adorable (and funny) video for yourself below.