An Ontario Police Service has released their 10 'silliest' 911 calls of 2016

Dec 29 2016, 11:31 pm

Every year, the Chatham-Kent Police Service makes a (hilarious) effort to draw people’s attention to the power of picking up the phone when they see something going wrong.

911, when used correctly, is one of the best life-saving tools we have in Ontario.

Some people, however, seem to struggle with the concept of when it is and is not appropriate to use the service. Because tying up the line or a police service’s time for something that’s completely unnecessary can put other people in danger as a result.

With that in mind, if you’re facing any of the following dilemmas, it’s probably best you figure them out on your own.

Here are the 10 silliest 911 calls of 2016 as reported to the Chatham-Kent Police Service:

  1. Police officers are trained to have knowledge on a variety of subjects. One of them, however, is not who delivers the London Free Press in specific neighbourhoods.
  2. A caller notified the Emergency Communication that his wife’s purse had been stolen. The call taker however left out the word ‘purse’ – which caused a lot of concern for those who read that the caller’s ‘wife’ had been stolen over an hour ago.
  3. Some citizens now use social media to communicate with police. One caller inquired whether police could help with the temperature in his apartment and forwarded a picture of the thermostat.
  4. A woman called 911 distressed that all that her cable TV was showing were French programs and she was not French.
  5. Police had to be sent to a residence to settle a heated dispute between two neighbours over the ownership of a jar of peanut butter.
  6. It is believed that some people confuse 911 with 411. The emergency line was used to ask the dispatcher whether they could provide the phone number to the local Kentucky Fried Chicken.
  7. Police are often called just provide legal advice. One woman inquired whether it was legal for her to trap squirrels that were in her back yard and take them to a nearby farmer’s field. It is not believed how she planned to keep them there.
  8. Most good criminals have a plan. The plan usually involves making sure there is no one around to witness your crime. So when this thief broke into his neighbour’s apartment, he certainly didn’t expect to see the tenant standing there holding a baseball bat. The only thing he could do, was high-tail it out of there. Oh, and during his hurry, he lost a boot. No worries…he sent his girlfriend back to retrieve it.
  9. This summer, officers pursued a man following a commercial break and enter. During the foot chase, the man was observed tossing property – which isn’t unusual. But imagine the officers’ surprise to discover that the property were pink urinal cakes… yes – pink. urinal. cakes. The man later advised he used the urinal cakes to play hockey with. Only in Canada.
  10. Friends became very concerned when a woman in Chatham posted ‘he’s trying to kill me,’ on her Facebook page. Their concern was heightened when they were unable to reach her and called police to check on her well-being. The woman was located. She was fine….and a bit embarrassed. She explained to the officers that she posted ‘he’s trying to kill me,’ in reference to the toxic gas in the room after her husband passed gas.
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