New Cake Boss' Carlo's Bake Shop ATMs drawing line-ups in the PATH

Nov 8 2019, 7:59 pm

Techy devices like ATMs and vending machines are supposed to make life more efficient, but it doesn’t always work out that way.

Desserts from Cake Boss’ iconic Carlo’s Bake Shop are now available at three locations in the PATH: at Richmond-Adelaide Centre, Royal Bank Plaza, and Waterpark Place. And you’d think that would mean quick and easy access to delicious desserts.

But considering the fandom behind Buddy Valastro’s creations, nabbing one of these delectable slices isn’t without it’s trials and tribulations.

Videos posted to Twitter this morning showed a long line of people waiting to grab a treat from the ATM located at Waterpark Place.

A follow-up video shows the line of people still waiting, but the machine’s screen flashing due to what was described in the tweet as a “super slow update.”

Cakewalk? More like cakewait, for these folks.

Still, if they managed to stick it out, they would get their hands on one of the city’s newest and most innovative sweet treat options.

Each Cake ATM can hold 160 slices, and eight full cakes, which are restocked daily from Monday to Friday. They currently offer the shop’s most popular flavours, including Rainbow, Red Velvet, Chocolate Fudge, and Carrot for $8.99 a slice.

Once full cakes come on board, which a spokesperson told Daily Hive is in the works, they’ll be available from $39.99 to $44.99.

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