New face covering policy enforced at University of Washington

Jun 19 2020, 6:10 pm

As of Thursday, all personnel, students, staff, contractors, and visitors of the University of Washington (UW) are required to wear a face covering.

“While keeping a physical distance of at least 6 feet from other people, practicing good hygiene such as handwashing and staying home when ill are the best known protections against COVID-19, wearing a face covering over the nose and mouth can help protect others,” said a UW press release.

The face coverings are required at all three UW campuses and are mandatory indoors and outdoors when keeping a 6-foot distance from others is unavoidable.

The only times face coverings are not required around campus are as follows: when working or spending time alone in a personal workspace, when outdoors and maintaining a 6-foot distance from others, when operating a single-occupancy vehicle, when teleworking, when inside a private on-campus residential unit, or when eating or drinking.

Those aged 12 and under are encouraged to wear face coverings; however, they are not required to.

Alyssa TherrienAlyssa Therrien

Alyssa is the former Staff Writer for Daily Hive US. She loves concerts, cats, and everything edible.

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