Here's Seattle coronavirus news you may have missed this weekend

Mar 23 2020, 8:44 pm

With reports seemingly coming in hourly relating to COVID-19, it’s easy to miss out on a lot of key information.

We’ve compiled a list of what you may have missed regarding the coronavirus pandemic in Seattle.

247 additional cases of coronavirus confirmed this weekend in King County.

Since this Friday, the county has reported an additional 247 coronavirus cases, rounding out to 1,040 confirmed cases including 75 confirmed deaths.

Washington state has 1,996 confirmed cases as of March 22.

King County to open isolation and recovery center.

King County has joined with Harborview Medical Center to plan for opening an isolation and recovery center at 326 Ninth Avenue. It will serve as a recovery site for those who may not have a home to rest and recover and may have other health needs requiring a level of monitoring.

King County to receive more test kits from the federal government.

King County will be receiving 4,000 sample collection test kits from the federal government to address the highest priority testing needs in the community. Test kits will be offered to first responders, health care workers, healthcare systems serving those at highest risk, and others at highest risk who don’t have regular access to health services.

King County Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention is working to prioritize beds for those who pose the greatest risk to public safety.

As of Tuesday, King County correctional facilities will not be accepting those arrested for violating the terms of their state Department of Corrections (DOC) community supervision. They are also working with DOC to transfer anyone who is in a King County correctional facility on a DOC warrant back to state custody.

Jail leadership has asked law enforcement to prioritize booking people into correctional facilities for violent crimes against people during the pandemic, to create more opportunities and space for increased physical distancing.

Alyssa TherrienAlyssa Therrien

Alyssa is the former Staff Writer for Daily Hive US. She loves concerts, cats, and everything edible.

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