Gov. Jay Inslee returns for a third term as Biden wins Washington's votes

Nov 4 2020, 5:29 am

Washingtonians have voted and Democratic Governor Jay Inslee has been elected to a third term. In addition, Joe Biden won the majority of votes in Washington State.

Inslee beat Republican challenger Loren Culp on Tuesday night, announcing in his victory speech that he’s “honored by the overwhelming support for my leadership.”

He went on to say that “this election is not about me — it is about the strength and resilience of the people of Washington State.”

Inslee won 76.28% of the vote, while Culp with 238,315 votes won 23.43%.

Inslee’s full acceptance speech can be read below:

Tonight, Washington state has chosen to continue on the path of progress — to defeat COVID and to rebuild stronger than ever.

I am honored by the overwhelming support for my leadership. This election is not about me — it is about the strength and resilience of the people of Washington state.

When COVID hit us first, we took action, and we followed public health experts and science to battle this virus. We are still in the thick of this fight, but because of the heroic actions of our health care workers, essential employees, and Washingtonians masking up, we have fared better than nearly every other state.

Because of our response and the blog, progressive policies passed during my time as governor, we are more resilient and able to rebound once the COVID crisis is over.

We are still facing great challenges, but I have never been more optimistic about our capacity to meet them.

Our victory tonight is more than just a reflection of our successful past, this is about a mandate for governing into the future.

Together, through our shared determination and values, I look forward to fighting with you for a brighter future. Thank you.

In King County, 1,428,541 people were registered to vote. 1,033,486, or 72.35% voted in the 2020 election. As of 9:12 pm on November 3, King County elections is estimating that 84,152 ballots have yet to be processed.

In the total of Washington State, 523,097 ballots have yet to be processed.

Alyssa TherrienAlyssa Therrien

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