50 ways to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day

Feb 17 2021, 6:44 pm

It’s Random Acts of Kindness Day today, February 17, and although every day should include little bits of spontaneous joy, today is a day to go out of your way to make someone else’s day.

If you’re a little bit of a grinch and can’t think of a single random act of kindness to instill in someone, we’ve got you covered.

Here are 50 random acts of kindness for you to practice today.

  1. Pay it forward and buy someone a coffee.
  2. Write a letter to someone who has changed your life for the better. Tell them how much they mean to you.
  3. Let someone merge into your lane and give them a little wave.
  4. Compliment a coworker.
  5. Give a gift card to a stranger or coworker.
  6. Become an organ donor.
  7. Make a donation to an organization or person in need.
  8. Comment something nice on someone’s Instagram photo. Bonus kindness points if you don’t typically interact with this person.
  9. Buy a person experiencing homelessness a warm meal.
  10. Order a bouquet of flowers to be delivered to anyone in the hospital. Call the florist and tell them to pick a hospital or nursing home and deliver flowers to the person the front desk thinks needs it the most.
  11. Pay a toll for a car behind you.
  12. Do a task for your partner that they hate doing.
  13. Give someone your seat on public transit.
  14. Donate your unused frequent flyer miles to a charity partner of your airline.
  15. Remind your friends how much you appreciate them.
  16. Pick up a piece of litter on the street and throw it out.
  17. Give an extra tip.
  18. Donate old clothing or items you no longer use.
  19. Write something nice on your receipt to a restaurant.
  20. Send a care package.
  21. Donate blood.
  22. Leave a nice note on someone’s car.
  23. Make a playlist for someone.
  24. Compliment your neighbor.
  25. Help shovel a neighbors driveway.
  26. Hold the door open for someone.
  27. Pass along a great book you’ve just finished reading.
  28. Pay for someone’s expiring parking meter.
  29. Hide money in random spots for people to find.
  30. Write and leave notes on post-its around the city.
  31. Say “good afternoon” to someone in your elevator.
  32. Pay for someone’s bus fare.
  33. Donate money or toys to a local animal shelter.
  34. Paint rocks and display them around your home or on a hiking trail.
  35. Run an errand for someone.
  36. Leave money on a vending machine.
  37. Send a thank you card to a frontline worker.
  38. Call your parents.
  39. Bake some treats.
  40. Smile at a stranger.
  41. Take a minute to help someone who is lost.
  42. Offer to pick up groceries for an elderly neighbor or one who is quarantining.
  43. Send flowers to a friend without telling them beforehand.
  44. Call or write a teacher who changed your life.
  45. Ask someone how they’re doing and actually listen.
  46. Offer to give a coworker a ride home.
  47. Share a funny image or meme with a friend.
  48. Plant a tree.
  49. Cook dinner for your partner.
  50. Sign up to foster an animal.

Alyssa TherrienAlyssa Therrien

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