Portland Art Museum distributing art kits to children around the region

Jul 28 2020, 5:29 pm

In partnership with the Portland Public School group and Create More Fear Less, the Portland Art Museum will soon start sending out art kits to kids in the Portland metro and Columbia Gorge areas.

PAM has put together essential tools for kids in the area to get creative throughout the remaining summer weeks.

“The abrupt transition to distance learning during the Spring, and greatly reduced options for summer activities has thrown into relief the immense inequities that students in our region experience,” writes the Portland Art Museum in their update. “Many parents and families are struggling to work and look after their children, and families for whom English is not the first language have been particularly hard hit.”

Portland Art Museum art kits for kids

courtesy Portland Art Museum

Included in the kits are glue, coloring pencils, a sharpener, a journal, oil pastels, art paper, and more.

“We are so grateful to the Miller Family Foundation for providing us with the resources to work with our partners in communities across the region to get art materials to kids and teens and encourage them to share their experience of this time through Journal On!,” said Hana Layson, Head of Youth & Educator Programs in the Department of Learning & Community Partnerships at the museum.

According to the update, the art kits will be distributed in the coming weeks through the Portland Parks and Recreation department’s Lunch and Play program put into place during the pandemic.

For the opportunity to showcase your child’s art, visit journalon.org.

Wyatt FossettWyatt Fossett

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