Oregon closes power plant, state's largest emitter of greenhouse gases

Oct 16 2020, 5:55 pm

As part of the Oregon state agreement between the Portland General Electric’s company and Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality signed back in 2010, the state has officially closed its largest source of greenhouse gas emissions; the Boardman power plant.

Boardman, Oregon has been the home of PGE’s 550-megawatt power plant for years, and as a coal-burning plant, it was the single largest source of dangerous greenhouse gas emissions in the entire state.

Oregon and other regions of the Pacific Northwest have long since been leaders in promoting North American environmentally friendly actions. This move, is a huge step in the direction of cleaner, less harmful power sources that battle emissions in the state.

“DEQ acknowledges and appreciates the leadership of PGE and state officials, past and present, to achieve this environmental success,” DEQ Director Richard Whitman said. “The closure of the Boardman Coal Plant helps put the state on a path toward cleaner, safer air while we continue to develop climate-friendly sources of electricity.”

Today marks a major milestone in Oregon’s transition to clean energy with the closing of our state’s last coal-fired power plant,” writes Oregon Governor Kate Brown on Twitter.

“Over the past decade, PGE’s Boardman coal plant has made a slow and just transition to cleaner energy for employees, community, and customers.

Wyatt FossettWyatt Fossett

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