Jimmy Kimmel's National Unfriend Day is coming up this week

Nov 16 2020, 9:03 pm

Scroll through your Facebook or Instagram and get ready to unfollow because tomorrow is National Unfriend Day.

The national holiday was created by Jimmy Kimmel in 2010, who announced the day on his nightly talk show, Jimmy Kimmel Live.

“Friendship is a sacred thing, and I believe Facebook is cheapening it,” he said on his show. “I go on Facebook; I see people with thousands of what they call friends, which is impossible. You can’t have a thousand friends.”

He went on to explain that most Facebook friends are unnecessary and encouraged the public to “cut out some of the friend fat in your life.”

Although it’s been ten years since its inception, the holiday has not been forgotten.

You can take part tomorrow by scrolling through your social media and removing anyone you don’t speak to or doesn’t bring you joy.

Alyssa TherrienAlyssa Therrien

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