Enjoy burgers and bourbon at OMSI's adults-only after dark event

Jan 9 2020, 8:07 pm

Is there anything more American, than burgers and bourbon?

This March, Oregon’s Museum of Science and Industry will host an adult’s only after dark event at OMSI that will celebrate two of America’s biggest culinary traditions, burgers and bourbon.


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You can get an inside look at the science and history behind bourbon production and beef. Without a single kid in sight, you can inspire your own childhood proclivities by shooting off water rockets, concocting chemical creations, and exploring the wonders that OMSI has to offer without children.


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The event will feature two science demonstrations. The first one will be a Beef Domestication Station where you can explore the process of animal domestication and see if you have what it takes to breed some of the best-in-show beef.

Or you can head over to the Water Whiskey Switch to test out your science skills and impress your friends with a buzzed brainteaser.


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More information on performances, presentations, and themed vendors will be updated on the website soon, but expect to see artisanal vendors featured at the event from stores like Shalom Y’all, 1927 S’mores, Cake Nouveau, Tostado Coffee Roasters and many more.

You can enjoy a glass of wine or a tumbler of whiskey all the while learning about robots, tornados, or fossils. You can even talk to a beer brewer to learn about the science of hops.

This event is the perfect 21+ experience for those looking to enjoy a night at the museum filled with food, drink, science and oodles of fun.

OMSI After Dark Burgers and Bourbon

When: March 13, 2020
Time: Event starts at 6 pm
Where: 1945 SE Water Avenue, Portland
Admission: Buy tickets here

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