Canadians react to Conservative MP calling Tim Hortons paper coffee lids "woke"

May 9 2024, 9:56 pm

A Canadian Member of Parliament is rallying against Tim Hortons’ use of paper lids instead of plastic ones on its coffee cups.

Lianne Rood, MP for Lambton-Kent-Middlesex, shared a video on X calling out the coffee chain.

“Well, Canada, this is the last straw— I mean lid,” begins Rood. “Really, Tim Hortons? Paper lids that disintegrate in your mouth? Come on!”

“This is just another example of something trying to help the environment when it’s actually going to have the opposite effect. If we have a plastic lid, at least it’s recyclable. But this disintegrating in your mouth as you’re trying to drink your coffee? No thanks,” the displeased MP says, pointing at her lipstick-stained Timmies cup.

“I don’t know about you, but until Tim Hortons gets rid of this paper lid, I’m done with Tim Hortons,” she concludes.

When this article was published, the post had nearly 700 reposts.

Earlier this year, Tim Hortons announced that it was looking into more sustainable solutions and reducing single-use items like plastic straws and cutlery. A 12-week trial using fibre lids began just after mid-February across its locations in Prince Edward Island.

“The fibre lids being tested have the design and functionality of Tims’ iconic hot beverage lids but are plastic-free and made with plant-based materials,” a release reads.

It’s unclear why an Ontario MP was concerned with this trial.

In a follow-up post, Rood doubled down, calling the lids “yet another example of the failed NDP-Liberal plastics ban that will do nothing to help the environment.”

Rood’s takes were not met with much agreement or enthusiasm, with some noting her video’s oddly high production quality.

One person said the video felt like “a cutaway gag” from Parks and Recreation.

Some commenters wondered if Rood knew what the term “woke” meant.

And many questioned her priorities.

“People in Canada can barely afford groceries, rent, medicine, and Conservative MPs are whining about lids from takeout coffee cups not being plastic,” said Joy Henderson.

“We’re paying Lianne Rood $203,100 annually, and she can’t buy a portable coffee cup?” one X user said, suggesting that someone should start a GoFundMe for Rood to hire an accountant so she can manage her money better.

Liberal commentator Supriya Dwivedi brought up Rood’s stance on reproductive rights.

“When you care more about ‘woke paper lids’ than you do about a woman’s right to choose,” she posted with a screenshot showing Rood’s pro-life position.

“There are far more pressing issues that deserve our attention,” noted PEI-based journalist Andrew Chisholm.

One thing is clear: Canadians are hilarious, whether they call coffee cup lids “woke” or blast someone for doing so.

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