New STM feature indicates Orange Line metro capacity

Nov 9 2020, 3:04 pm

Société de transport de Montréal has unveiled new features on its mobile and desktop site that tells riders the metro’s occupancy levels.

The feature lets riders know if physical distancing is possible at all times for every metro car on the network’s Orange Line.

Occupancy levels are calculated from ridership history, says the STM. “The estimated occupancy is a useful tool for planning your trips outside of peak periods whenever possible, making it easier to keep your distance from other customers.”

Notifications are displayed in four different symbols: Nearly empty (distancing possible), some seats available (distancing not possible), standing room only (distancing not possible), and nearly full.


The capacity level indicator has been added to the entirety of the bus network as well to ensure riders can choose which buses are best to keep physical distances.


The STM website does not detail whether the rider capacity will be expanded to the network’s other lines.

Ty JadahTy Jadah

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+ Urbanized